Friday 27 December 2013

Control sheet for constitutional Devt in India

Act passed by the
British Parliament
Great Britain
Central Government
Provincial Government
Regulating Act 1773
COD 24
GG of Bengal
GG-in-C     1+4
Governing Council
The affairs of the EIC were indirectly controlled through Court of Directors
EIC Act or Pitts Act 1794
B of C 1P+ 5M       &
COD   24
GG-in-C     1+3
The affairs of the EIC were directly controlled by British Government through Board of Control with the aid Court of Directors
Charter Act 1793
Powers of GG expanded over the provinces
Charter Act 1813
Christian Missionaries were allowed in India.
Charter Act 1833
GG of India

GG-in-C 1+3+ 1LM
The legislative powers of the Governing councils were stripped.  EIC cease to exist as commercial body. 
Charter act 1853
B of C 1P+ 5M       &
COD 18
GG of India
GG-in-C 1+3+1 +6M  ( CJI+1J+4 CS from 4 prns)
Beginning of Parliamentary system in India.
Law member had become the permanent member of GG EC.  Written competitive exams.
The GOI Act 1858
S of S 1+15
1+3+1+1 (1+4)
Crown takes over the administration with the with the aid of Secretary of State and Viceroy.
Indian Councils Act 1861
1+3+1+1 (1+5)
As above + 6 to 12 members & out of 12 half are non-officials
Governing Councils for making laws
Beginnings for the cabinet/Portfolio system of governance.
3 new legislative councils were created
Indian Councils Act 1892
As above + non-official no would be 10-16
8 to 20 Members were added.
Principle of representation & Indirect Election. Questions can be asked. Laid basis for democracy.
Indian Councils Act 1909 or Minto Morley Reforms
Members up from 16 to 60
50 in Beng. Mad. Punj &
30 in Others
First time Non-Official Majority in Provinces. But non-elected majority continued.
GOI Act 1919
UH 60 with 5y
LH 145 with 3y
Governor Exe.Coucillors + Pop. Ministers
70% elected, 20 officials &10 Non-off nominated
Complete popular govt. in Local bodies. Partially responsible govt. ( Dyarchy or duel govt.) in provinces. Elections are direct. Bicameral, but no responsible govt. at Centre.
GOI Act 1935
Viceroy with 3EC + Pop. Ministers
UP 260
LH 375
Governor as crown nominee
All are directly elected.
Dyarchy at Centre and popular & autonomous govt. at provinces. Only 14% of Indian population was en-franchised.

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